We see coaching as a potentially transformative space, which can have an impact at three levels:
The individual | The team | The organisation

All our coaches are experienced in successfully guiding business transformation, within both individuals and teams.
Our work is based on the belief that answers to complex business problems lie within individuals and organisations.
Core to this, is the assumption that while individuals cannot become who they are not, they can become more of what they are.
We work in a number of different organisational contexts and cultures to bring these perspectives to every client.
At Coach Nudge we believe:
+ A coach will enable you to transform your effectiveness in a number of areas in your life
+ The best leaders have the courage to find outstanding talent to work with them, valuing different ideas in business
+ Everyone is more confident when using their strengths and passion to deliver their goals
+ It is vital to manage our own personal health and wellbeing at all times
+ It is important to be aware of and respond to how other people feel about you
+ Thoughtful and provocative questions help clients generate their own solutions
+ Through dialogue, patterns begin to emerge and areas to delve into become apparent
+ Coaching provides respite and the space and time for individuals to reflect and consider the choices available

COACH Nudge Values
As an organisation and coaching faculty, we hold ourselves to:
ETHICAL EXCELLENCE Doing the right thing when no one is looking, guided by professionalism and personal accountability.
EXPERTISE WITH HEART Depth of expertise paired with relational client service.
PARTNERSHIP APPROACH Co-creating solutions, enhancing capability through collaboration.
PURSUING THE ‘LEARNING EDGE’ Creating the safe container and vulnerability for experimentation (for clients and ourselves).
PRACTICING WHAT WE PREACH Helping leaders and teams flourish while continually pursuing our own development, qualifications and relevance.
Coach Nudge works with a range of partners who provide services and expert advice to enhance the services that we provide for our clients.
We have access to a wide network of trusted advisors in other areas including wellbeing, psychometric assessment and digital coaching at scale.
We are also pleased to support several organisations with pro bono coaching.
Our commitment to learning while working
We practice what we preach and invest in the development of our Coaching Partners to ensure we are at our best in service of our clients. Our continual professional development agenda includes:
+ Group monthly supervision sessions
+ Regular external supervision for all coaches
+ Monthly ‘Open Space’ to encourage knowledge-sharing and peer-learning
+ Quarterly development sessions to share internal and external learning, including research and frameworks relevant to coaching, and key themes emerging in client worlds that needs to be considered in our role as coaches.
Our commitment to inclusive & social responsibility
Like our clients, we are trying to address how we embrace our ESG commitments in our practice.
+ Being mindful of our impact on the planet in our daily work – looking at a blend of virtual and face-to-face meetings and reducing our use of unsustainable resources.
+ Coach Nudge coaching partners all support our wider community through pro-bono coaching.
+ Working with responsible and ethical supplier organisations.
+ Supporting leaders in creating long-term value for their eco-system by bringing the voice of stakeholders into coaching conversations, e.g. wider communities, physical environment.
+ Provoking clients to consider how they lead on and incorporate their Corporate & Social Responsibility (CSR), Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (ED&I) and Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) ambitions into everything they do.